Station 56

1. Introduction to Our Company

 Family spirit and the pursuit of excellence drive us every day to surpass ourselves in creating unique living environments for you. Our residences stand out for their meticulous design and quality of execution, reflecting our rigorous work and passion for our craft. They embody not only our dedication and love for our profession but also the motivation to provide your family with an exceptional environment.

For our teams, our houses and condominiums represent more than just residential constructions; they are an opportunity to design an enchanting setting that will be the stage for your future moments of joy, both small and grand.

2. Context 

Mindful of the right to privacy and the protection of personal information, we have adopted a policy on the protection of personal information in accordance with the Private Sector Privacy Act (RLRQ, c. P-39.1, hereinafter referred to as the Act). 

By providing personal information (particularly through):

  • Newsletter subscription form
  • Order form
  • Opinion survey
  • Contests

Groupe Mathieu collects certain information through cookies. This primarily includes the following information:

  • IP address
  • Operating system
  • Visited pages and queries
  • Time and day of connection
  • Digital advertising (such as “remarketing”)

you agree that we will process it in accordance with the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

3. Responsibility

GROUPE MATHIEU INC. is responsible for the protection of the personal information it holds. All members of its staff must take necessary measures to ensure the security of personal information, regardless of the nature of the medium or the form in which it is accessible: written, graphic, sound, visual, computerized, or other.

4. Objectives 

The Act protects the personal information of an individual, particularly to prevent and counter identity theft, financial fraud, or harm to their reputation.

 To promote healthy, rigorous, and preventive practices, the Act specifies that a company must designate a person who serves as the responsible party for the protection of personal information.
Within our company, Christopher Mathieu is responsible for ensuring compliance with and implementation of the law.

5. Definitions 

For the purposes of this policy, the following terms apply:

  • Anonymous Information: Any information that, in an irreversible manner, no longer allows for the direct or indirect identification of a person.
  • Personal Information: Any information concerning an individual that directly or indirectly allows for their identification. For example, the name, surname, social insurance number, date of birth, or address of the individual are personal information.
  • Sensitive Information: Personal information is considered sensitive when, by its nature, especially medical, biometric, or otherwise intimate, or due to the context of its use or communication, it elicits a high degree of reasonable privacy expectation.

6. Collection 

Anyone within GROUPE MATHIEU who collects personal information about others should only collect information necessary for the purposes determined before collection.

 During collection, we prioritize transparency so that the concerned individual can consent fully aware to the transmission of their personal information. 

Additionally, we limit access to personal information of concerned individuals to employees of our company who are authorized to access it in the course of their duties.

7. Roles and Responsibilities

 The President:

  • Ensures compliance with and implementation of the Private Sector Privacy Act within GROUPE MATHIEU;
  • May delegate in writing to a staff member the responsibility for access to documents and the protection of personal information;
  • Facilitates the functions of the person responsible for the protection of personal information;
  • Approves this policy and the means of its application;
  • Supports the implementation and dissemination of this policy.

The Person Responsible for Access to Documents and the Protection of Personal Information:

  • Ensures compliance with and implementation of the Private Sector Privacy Act within GROUPE MATHIEU;
  • Ensures compliance with this policy as well as legal, regulatory, and administrative obligations related to access to documents and the protection of personal information;
  • Supports managers and assumes a advisory, support, and guidance role with the organization’s staff;
  • Proposes the necessary tools for the implementation of this policy;
  • Handles complaints related to the protection of personal information in accordance with the Act and records them in the register of complaints on the management of personal information;
  • Processes requests for access to documents and personal information, as well as requests for correction in accordance with the Act;
  • Evaluates privacy factors for any acquisition, development, or redesign project of information systems or electronic service delivery involving the collection, use, communication, retention, or destruction of personal information;
  • Evaluates privacy factors for any communication of personal information outside of Quebec and determines if the communication has adequate protection.


Managers are the custodians of personal information under their responsibility. As such, they are responsible for the management and protection of personal information held by staff under their responsibility. Specifically, they:

  • Ensure compliance with this policy and the procedures or directives that flow from it;
  • Ensure that staff under their responsibility uses secure means to collect, use, store, communicate, or destroy personal information;
  • Take appropriate measures in case of a breach of this policy or personal information protection rules by a staff member under their responsibility;
  • Raise awareness among staff under their responsibility of the importance of protecting personal information, in collaboration with the person responsible for access to documents and the protection of personal information.


  • Becomes acquainted with this policy and respects its spirit, provisions, and resulting procedures;
  • Takes necessary measures to ensure the protection of personal information to which they have access;
  • Only accesses personal information necessary for the exercise of their functions;
  • Uses personal information to which they have access for the purposes specified during collection;
  • Informs their manager and the person responsible for the protection of personal information of any incident related to the protection of personal information held by the company;
  • Participates in awareness and training activities on the protection of personal information made available by GROUPE MATHIEU.

Security Measures 

We use your personal information for: 

  • To improve our service and provide personalized assistance.
  • To obtain a personalized consumer profile.
  • To generate statistics.

 We adopt rigorous security measures to protect your personal information against the risks of theft, loss, unauthorized access, use, and communication, and against any breach of the protection of such information. These security measures take into account the nature, purpose, sensitivity, quality, distribution, and medium related to personal information.


GROUPE MATHIEU ensures that consent to the collection, use, or communication of personal information from an individual to a third party is clear, free, informed, and given for specific purposes. Consent must be obvious, provided without constraints, with full knowledge, and be precise. It is requested for each of these purposes, in simple and clear terms. The individual concerned must be well informed. In the case of sensitive information, consent must be expressly manifested.

 When the request for consent is made in writing, it must be presented separately from any other information communicated to the individual concerned. The latter may request assistance to help understand the scope of the consent requested. It is only valid for the duration necessary for the achievement of the purposes for which it was requested.

 In certain situations, GROUPE MATHIEU may use personal information without the consent of the individual concerned, including:

  • When its use is for purposes compatible with those for which it was collected.
  • When its use is manifestly for the benefit of the individual concerned.
  • When its use is necessary for the purposes of preventing and detecting fraud or evaluating and improving protection and security measures.
  • When its use is necessary for the provision or delivery of a product or the provision of a service requested by the individual concerned.
  • When its use is necessary for study, research, or production of statistics and when it is depersonalized.

9.1 Right to Withdraw Consent 

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the communication or use of the information collected. To withdraw your consent, please click on the unsubscribe links in any marketing emails you have received, or contact the privacy officer to manage your preferences.

Retention and Use 

GROUPE MATHIEU ensures that the personal information it holds is up-to-date, accurate, and used only for the purposes for which it was collected. If you notice inaccuracies in our records or if your personal information changes, please inform us without delay. Upon request, the individual concerned is informed of the personal information collected from them, the categories of persons who have access to this information within GROUPE MATHIEU, the duration of retention of this information, as well as the contact information of the person responsible for the protection of personal information. In all cases, information must be communicated to the individual concerned in simple and clear terms, regardless of the means used to collect the information.

10.Storage, Destruction, and Anonymization

 Your personal information will be retained for the duration necessary for the achievement of the purposes for which it was collected and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations governing the retention period. When it is no longer necessary to retain personal information, we will proceed with its destruction or anonymization as circumstances dictate.


An individual employed by GROUPE MATHIEU may only communicate personal information they hold about others if the individual concerned consents or if the law provides for it.

 GROUPE MATHIEU may communicate, without the consent of the individual concerned, personal information to any person or organization if such communication is necessary for the exercise of a mandate or the execution of a service or business contract entrusted to that person or organization. 

If applicable, GROUPE MATHIEU undertakes that the mandate, service, or business contract is recorded in writing and indicates measures to protect the confidential nature of the personal information communicated. Similarly, GROUPE MATHIEU may, without the consent of the individual concerned, communicate personal information it holds about others, including:

  • To its attorney;
  • To the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions if the information is required for prosecution for an offense under a law applicable in Quebec;
  • To a person to whom it is necessary to communicate the information under a law applicable in Quebec or for the application of a collective agreement;
  • To a person who, under the law, can recover debts for others and requests it for this purpose in the exercise of their functions;
  • To a person if the information is necessary for the purpose of recovering a debt of the company.

12.Privacy Incident 

An incident of privacy breach is considered to be unauthorized access, use, communication of personal information, as well as loss or any other breach of the protection of personal information. 

If an incident poses a risk of serious harm, the person responsible for the protection of personal information must promptly notify the Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec as well as any person affected by the incident.

 However, no notice will be given to an individual affected by a privacy incident presenting a risk of serious harm if it is likely to impede an investigation conducted by a person or organization responsible for preventing, detecting, or repressing crime or offenses.

13.Limitation of Liability

 The use of technologies such as the Internet involves significant risks. Therefore, it is impossible to guarantee that the personal information you provide is completely secure. However, rest assured that we implement all reasonable means at our disposal to protect your data.

 Therefore, you acknowledge that GROUPE MATHIEU and its employees cannot be held responsible for damages or harm that may result directly or indirectly from a breach of the confidentiality of data and/or information transmitted over the Internet to our company.

14.Request for Access to Information and Complaint

 For any questions or complaints related to this policy, for any request for access to personal information or a request for correction of such information, please contact our person responsible for the protection of personal information.

Christopher Mathieu
1058, boul. Curé-Labelle, Blainville (Québec) J7C 2M6

15.Complaint Processing Procedure 

15.1 Receipt of Complaints 

15.1.1 Complaints can be filed in writing, by phone, by email, or through any other official communication channel and sent to the attention of our person responsible for the protection of personal information. Upon receipt, they will be recorded in a centralized register, accessible only to the latter.

15.2 Preliminary Assessment 

15.2.1 The designated responsible person reviews each complaint to assess its relevance and severity. 

15.2.2 Frivolous, defamatory, or clearly unfounded complaints may be rejected. However, justification will be provided to the complainant.

15.3 Investigation and Analysis 

15.3.1 The person responsible for the complaint conducts a thorough investigation by collecting evidence, questioning the parties involved, and gathering all relevant documents. 

15.3.2 The responsible person remains impartial and has the authority necessary to resolve the complaint.

 15.3.3 The responsible person maintains the confidentiality of information related to the complaint and ensures that all parties involved are treated fairly.

15.4 Resolution of the Complaint 

15.4.1 The person responsible for the complaint proposes appropriate solutions to resolve the complaint as quickly as possible.

15.5 Communication with the Complainant 

15.5.1 The person responsible for the complaint regularly communicates with the complainant to inform them of the progress of the investigation and the resolution of the complaint. 

15.5.2 All communications must be professional and respectful.

15.6 Closing the Complaint 

15.6.1 Once the complaint is resolved, the person responsible for the complaint provides a written response to the complainant, summarizing the measures taken and the proposed solutions. 

15.6.2 All information and documents related to the complaint will be kept in a confidential file.

16.Modification and Update of the Privacy Policy

 This Privacy Policy may be modified at any time. Last update date: 15 decembre 2023

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